Staindrop CE Primary School and Pre-School
Learning, Laughter & Friendship
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Governor Paula Kirkup
I live in a nearby village with my husband, Stephen and our four children. Elizabeth, Winston and Archie are currently at the school and our youngest Alexandra started in reception in September 2014.
I have been a parent governor at Staindrop Primary School for over five years and have enjoyed watching the school evolve each year. I am involved both on the Finance and Curriculum Committee’s and am currently the schools designated SEN Governor.
My aim is to support the dedicated work carried out by the Head Teacher and staff and to continue to develop the school in the ever changing environment.
I am strongly committed to helping the school make the most effective use of available resources to provide the best environment for all students to fulfil their potential.