Staindrop CE Primary School and Pre-School
Learning, Laughter & Friendship
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Children are growing up in a world with a bigger range of online activities than ever before and it is sometimes very hard for both children and adults to know how to stay safe.
Most parents will want to reduce the risks to their children. Keeping up to date with guidance and knowing how to set parental controls, age restrictions and time limits etc. can reduce the online safety risks to children and young people. Online Safety forms an essential and regular part of our Computing curriculum alongside our PHSE & RSE curriculums. We have regular visits from the local police force for our older children to discuss some of the laws and responsibilities that come with using social media and mobile phone apps. In addition to this we have a focus each year on Internet Safety Day. Any online safety incidents are reported and recorded by our staff and Designated safeguarding leads in accordance with our Online Safety Policy and current Safeguarding Policy.
National Online Safety have produced some useful guides for parents relating to popular apps and software that can have dangers for children if used inappropriately. We have included links to these guides below. If you have any other concerns/worries or would like support relating to online safety, games or apps then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the school office.
A guide to inappropriate content online
The internet matters website is helpful tool to support parents/carers in all areas of online safety. Online safety is not just about protecting children from some of the dangers of the internet – it is also about helping them manage their use of technology.
Internet Matters is a site paid for by many British companies. It has a lot of good advice on adding parental controls as well as on most aspects of online safety. Parental controls will only help keep children safe. The best safety feature that a child has is their parent or carer. Take the time to talk to your child about the apps and games they are using and don’t be afraid to say no sometimes!
The range of online apps changes on a regular basis and the NSPCC have a site called Net Aware. This provides unbiased up-to-date information on current apps and sites along with advice to parents about dealing with issues.
The NSPCC have teamed up with O2 to provide advice to parents and have a free helpline on 0808 800 5002. They will also give support in any O2 shop – you do not have to be an O2 customer.
ThinkUKnow is the website aimed at children and their parents from the National Crime Agency. It has lots of useful suggestions and advice on how to report issues. It also has lots of games and activities including Jessie and Friends for the younger children and Band Runner for the older ones.
For the youngest children being tricked into sharing pictures can be an issue. LGfL have produced a useful video which has some great advice and a very catchy song!
Children at some point may suffer from online bullying. It is really important that they have someone they can talk to and know that it is not acceptable. Most apps and sites will have systems inn place that allow bullying to be reported. Your child’s school may be able to help.
Children can call Childline on 0800 1111 for advice on anything that is worrying them.
Finally since 2015 is has been a criminal offence for an adult to send a message with sexual content to a child (This is Section 67 of the Serious Crime Act 2015). If you are concerned that this might have happened please contact The Police without further using the device. This will help ensure that evidence can be preserved. The Police can be contacted by phone or from the ThinkUKnow website.
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