Staindrop CE Primary School and Pre-School
Learning, Laughter & Friendship
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Chartwells are our school’s caterers from September 2022
School Lunches cost £2.81 per day – from April 2024.
Please click on the link to see our menus
There is always 3 choices of main meal served with accompaniments and vegetables including a sandwich or baguette option.
Fresh Fruit and Water are always available.
The good news is that currently any child that attends an infant school or infant classes from reception to Year 2 then school meals will be free to them.
The success of the Free School Meal pilot in Durham has influenced a Government policy decision to make funds available to ensure that all infant children can access a free school meal.
If your child is having a school dinner, try and encourage them to choose the healthier items. Here is some advice for them on what to pick and what to leave on the hot plate.
By registering for free school meals you could save up to £350 per child per year. Yet every year, thousands of families across the country miss out on free school meals. There are also other costs savings for you on After School Clubs and Educational Visits including Day Camp and UK residential trips. Don’t miss out!
If you are the parent or carer of a child who attends a County Durham school, they may qualify for free school meals if you receive any of the following benefits or tax credits:
Note: You cannot get free school meals if your Tax Credit award includes any amount of Working Tax Credit.
To apply, simply, pick up an application form from your child’s school, or download one from the Durham County Council website at
Completed forms need to be returned to your child’s school with proof of benefit entitlement.
If you have any questions you can contact the school meals team on 03000 268 002 / 003.
If you’re not sure what benefits you’re getting, or you have a benefit query or need advice on any benefit problem you can contact Durham County Council Welfare Rights Service by telephone or e-mail:
Telephone: 03000 268 968 Monday to Friday from 9am to 12 noon
The full Policy for Packed Lunches is available from the school office.
This packed lunch policy fits within a wider context of promoting a whole school approach to food and healthy eating.
Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta
These starchy foods are a healthy source of energy. Packed lunches should include 2 or more portions.
Fruit and Vegetables
These foods provide vitamins, minerals and fibre. Lunches should include at least 1 portion of fruit and 1 portion of vegetables / salad, or more.
Milk and Dairy foods
These foods provide calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Include 1 portion at lunch
Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans
These foods provide protein for growth. Packed lunches should include 1 portion of these foods
Foods and drinks high in fat and / or sugar
It is important not to fill up on too many foods that are high in fat and / or sugar at the expense of other more nutritious foods. Limiting high fat and sugar foods will help protect young people from becoming overweight as well as helping prevent tooth decay, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. This is why sweets, chocolate, crisps, cereal bars, fruit bars, toffee/salted popcorn, squash and fizzy drinks are no longer available in schools. Please support your school by not including these items in a packed lunch.***(see below)
any drinks provided in lunch boxes should only include either plain water, milk (semi-skimmed), unsweetened fresh fruit juice, diluted fresh fruit juice, fruit or dairy based smoothies.
To ensure consistency and to keep packed lunches in line with food standards for school meals, packed lunches must not contain the following:
Please see the Children First website for advice.
Your child’s lunch box should contain:
Packed lunch ideas
Super sandwiches
Or, for a change