Staindrop CE Primary School and Pre-School
Learning, Laughter & Friendship
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Head Teacher: Mr S Whelerton
Acting Deputy Head: Mrs C Harland
Telephone: 01833 660 334
Effective transition at all stages is essential to ensure that children feel safe and welcome within the learning environment. At Staindrop, we have systems in place to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible for all of our pupils.
How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
For children who attend other Nursery or Pre-School provision our Reception Class teacher Mrs Cregan will visit your child in their current setting. Following this, parents will be invited to visit school for an induction evening. During induction parents will meet all the staff and listen to short presentations by relevant school staff. All children who are starting Reception in September will be invited to attend ‘Moving Up’ morning in July. They will attend for half a day to meet our staff and explore our Early Years provision.
How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school
All children are given the opportunity to take part in ‘Moving Up’ morning where they spend time with their new class teacher in their new classroom. During the summer term staff meet with the SENCO to share information and for those children who require provision that is additional to or different from quality first teaching. We make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term or a personalised transition book to take home and talk about with Parents and Carers during the Summer holidays. The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents and carers and the child.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
We have a strong partnership with our feeder secondary school Staindrop Academy to provide an enhanced level of transition for those who we feel would benefit from this. This takes the form of additional visits for pupils, one to one / small group working with secondary school staff or pupil mentoring from secondary schools.
The period of transition depends on the individual needs of the pupil. If it is felt appropriate, secondary school colleagues will attend Annual Reviews to meet the current class teacher, parents and most importantly the pupil. This strategy is particularly useful in easing any worries or concerns parents and pupils may have. We are particularly keen to involve parents/carers as much as possible in their child’s transition to secondary school. School staff will take opportunities to work alongside parents/carers to visit secondary schools in advance of secondary placement applications being submitted to the Local Authority.This ensures parents/carers can make the most informed placement decision for their child. When a secondary school has been allocated to the child, parents are fully involved and consulted at all stages of the transition process.
Joining our school at other times
If your child joins our school during a Key Stage or mid-way through the academic year, systems are in place to aid their transition from their previous school. When you visit our school, the Head Teacher, Mr Whelerton, will give you a tour and your child will have opportunities to see their new classroom and meet their teacher. If your child has SEND, our SENCO will liaise with the SENCO from your child’s previous school to ensure that we have the required information to enable us to support your child fully. It would be beneficial if you could discuss your child’s needs with us and share any information you have when you visit.
Leaving our school
If your child leaves Staindrop, the SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have.